Trust Investment Management Outsourcing

It is a simple truth in this industry: the more time you spend with current and prospective clients, the more successful you will be. Outsourcing investment management to MackHouse Capital will free up more of your valuable time to spend on what is most important for your business.

As a community bank or savings and loan, you know you can deliver better, more personalized service to your clients and neighbors than the large national banks you compete with. Oftentimes, however, you might feel somewhat less confident when it comes to meeting their investment management needs. Big banks have the scale to staff large investment teams and access a wide array of research, enabling them to deliver a robust investment offering to their clients. Small institutions typically do not have the resources to allocate towards building an experienced and knowledgeable in-house investment team, and the burden is then put on the trust officers.

Our outsourcing solution focuses on community bank trust departments and saving and loans across the Midwest. We are your dedicated team of portfolio managers helping you navigate the increasingly complex investment side of your client relationships. We have the experience, knowledge, and credentials to deliver the comprehensive and personalized fiduciary investment experience your clients deserve.

Forming a strategic partnership with MackHouse can help lower costs, enhance expertise, increase your capabilities, and help you grow your client base. We provide you with the freedom to focus more of your time servicing trusts, meeting with clients, and developing new business.

Investment Management outsourcing can provide you with the following support: